ATTENTION: MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS is experiencing continuous growth. As a result, we have vacated our office on Calle 8 in Miami and are currently working on launching a new office soon. This new space will feature facilities for a studio, meetings, podcasts, and commercial services.


News and express updates on new products, delivery offers, important information and more.

CLIENT PORTAL NOTICE: Starting next January 1, 2024, all Galleries of new productions will expire 15 days after delivery. After this time, you will be required to acquire VIP membership of the Client Portal to maintain the galleries and videos on our servers for 2 years and renewable for life. Clients from previous years will have the opportunity to download their photos and videos before that date.


July 28, 2024

To continuously improve transparency and customer experience, we have launched a live reporting system for our productions and print center as of July 27, 2024, where all important information will be publicly available.

May 22, 2024

At MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS, we have worked hard to create an infrastructure capable of achieving the unthinkable in the elite professional Photography and Video industry: delivery in less than a week. This time, we offer the possibility of receiving your photos and official video as soon as 1 to 3 days after the event or at the time of payment for VIP EXPRESS DELIVERY. We have two express options. It is worth noting that the standard delivery in 8 weeks included in the packages is still active at no additional charge. If the client wishes to receive their photos and video express, the options are: 4 weeks after the event or at the time of payment for $150, or 1 to 3 days after the event or at the time of payment for $350.

April 18, 2024

The MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS Photography and Video Tour arrives this May 5 to Villa Turqueza

April 18, 2024


It's official, starting April 18, 2024, all MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS Quinceanera Photo Session packages will have dresses included by the company. From $350 up to $950 in Store Credit for Dresses in the Dress Shop (305PRINCESS.COM) by MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS) depending on the contracted package.

April 18, 2024


OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Starting today, MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS is launching its own Boutique for Quinceañera, Brides, Maternity, and much more dress rentals. With an initial collection of over 80 dresses and more than 50 being added in the coming days. We are undergoing renovations in the store and spa to have the complete experience open to the public in the coming days. Starting May 1st, ALL QUINCEAÑERA PACKAGES from MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS will include dresses from the company, and for DAYDREAM SESSIONS clients, there will be a special price per dress starting at $250.

April 11, 2024

After a long time of being requested by many clients, MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS begins to offer maternity services.

April 10, 2024

The MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS Photography and Video Tour arrives this April 28 to Paradise Lagoon Miami

Jan 30, 2024

General system in update

The general system of MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONSm is undergoing general updating and maintenance. Some occasional errors are possible.