ATTENTION: MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS is experiencing continuous growth. As a result, we have vacated our office on Calle 8 in Miami and are currently working on launching a new office soon. This new space will feature facilities for a studio, meetings, podcasts, and commercial services.

Welcome to the exciting launch of THE SESSION OF THE STARS, a groundbreaking concept that combines the art of cinema and luxury photography with explosive collaborations of influencers and prominent artists from various fields! Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of creativity and glamour.

Our company takes great pride in introducing this unique initiative in the industry, where we take creativity to the next level by collaborating with exceptional talents to create mini-movies that will be true masterpieces of visual art. We are committed to providing our guests with an unforgettable experience, filled with opportunities to express their unique creativity and style.


Guests: We are pleased to announce that we will be working with a careful selection of influencers and recognized artists from different fields, ranging from cinema to music, art, and more. Each guest will bring their personal style and individuality, ensuring that each collaboration is unique and exciting.

Mini Movie: In collaboration with each artist, we will create a mini-movie that explores different concepts, from captivating commercials to magazine-style content and fascinating cinematic narratives. Our elite production team will work closely with the guests to bring their visions to life on the big screen.

Luxury Photo Session: In addition to the film, each guest will enjoy a luxury photo session, captured by our talented photographers. We want each image to reflect the distinctive personality and style of each artist, creating lasting memories of this unique experience.

High-Level Collaboration: While there will be no financial costs for our guests, we will request a series of collaborative requirements with our brand. This will include cross-promotion on their social media platforms and other channels, as well as active participation in creating behind-the-scenes content.




It will serve to contact the influencer or their representation to talk about the idea that we will focus on in the video. It can be a commercial video about itself, about a sponsor’s product or any cinematographic concept.

It must be a high resolution image as it will be used to promote the session if it is approved.

Terms and Conditions of the Collaboration: Social Media Promotion: The company will publish the session on Instagram and will credit the influencer or artist as a collaborator by tagging them in the posts. Original Material Copies: The artist will also receive original copies of the generated material. This authorization is granted for an indefinite period, from the date of signature. The Company may use the Model’s/Influercer/Artist image for the purpose of promoting its services, activities, events, and projects through various media channels, including, but not limited to, websites, social media platforms, printed materials, exhibitions, online publications, marketing, advertising, and any other means of dissemination that the Company deems appropriate. The use of the Model’s/Influercer/Artist image will be conducted responsibly, avoiding any usage that may negatively affect the Model’s/Influercer/Artist reputation or privacy. This authorization is granted freely and voluntarily, without entitling the Model to receive any financial compensation from the Company. The Model’s/Influercer/Artist declares to be the sole holder of the rights to their image and, by signing this document, grants the Company all necessary rights for the reproduction, distribution, exhibition, and publication of the images obtained in the context of this authorization. The Company may perform edits, modifications, and retouches to the Model’s images, always respecting the original content and without negatively affecting the Model’s integrity or dignity. The Company undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by the Model within the framework of this authorization.