ATTENTION: MIGUEL ANGEL PRODUCTIONS is experiencing continuous growth. As a result, we have vacated our office on Calle 8 in Miami and are currently working on launching a new office soon. This new space will feature facilities for a studio, meetings, podcasts, and commercial services.
“To begin, the first thing we need to do is go to our website, or if you have already received the direct link, you can use that as well. Assuming you haven’t received it, the first thing we need to do is go to our website.”
Navigate to the Help Center
“Navigate to where it says Help Center. Click on Help Center.”
Step 2: Exploring the Help Center
View Help Articles
“Here we will find several sections. Basically, we will see some articles that may be useful.”
Step 3: Creating a Support Ticket
Go to Submit Ticket
“To create a ticket, it is as simple as going to Submit Ticket. Click on Submit Ticket.”
Fill Out the Form
“Here we enter the details about ourselves and our problem.”
“The first thing we do is write our name.”
“We write our email.”
“We enter the subject of our ticket.”
“We describe our problem. The more detailed the explanation of the problem, the better for the support team to understand it.”
Step 4: Verification and Submission
Complete the Verification
“Check the reCAPTCHA.”
Submit the Ticket
“Click on Submit Ticket.”
“In this way, the support ticket submission is complete and the team will start working on it immediately.”